November 24, 2015

Why Great Sex Comes With a Good Workout Routine

Feeding your mind and body with nutrients, strength, and wisdom is rewarding for every aspect of your life. Great sex is not an exception. If you wonder why you might be losing an erection after just a few minutes, or better yet just a few minutes of steamy sexy foreplay, I can give you an answer. If you wonder why you might be having challenges with sensitivity and sensations in your vagina, I can give you an answer for that too.
Exercise keeps you young and healthy, no surprises there. Not only does being active help improve our strength, there are also many other positive benefits for being (and remaining) active.
Here are 6 of the best benefits from exercising that will keep things hot and steamy in the bedroom.

1. Boosted Sex-esteem

When you start seeing results from all your hard work, a side benefit comes as exercise also helps improve your confidence, which will motivate you to continue. After all, when you see results, you shouldn’t want to quit, right? Still not convinced? Research shows that men and women who are physically fit and active tend to rate their own sexual desirability higher than less active men and women of the same age.
One study found that 80% of men and 60% of females who exercised 2 to 3 times a week rated their own sexual desirability as above average. It was also found that as the frequency of exercise per week went up, so did the ratings of sexual desirability. Of course, you need to be mindful of your daily schedule and strive for realistic goals. Balance is the key! Exercise, create, sex. Repeat!

2. Stronger Sexual Desire

Low or no sexual desire has been one of the top issues for both men and women. Now, with a new drug Flibanserin (a.k.a. “Female Viagra”) approved, some are hoping for quick, short, and instant solutions. Unfortunately, I must now burst that bubble of belief. Instant solutions do not exist. Believing in this fantasy distracts you from the real causes of low libido.
Exercise can help you boost your sexual responsiveness. One study in theJournal of Human Sexuality found that women were more sexually responsive after just 20 minutes of intensive exercise. Here is one of the reasons why: research groups at the University of Texas concluded that exercise improved blood flow and circulation, which in turn helps with sexual excitement and arousal.
For you gentlemen, this magical hormone called testosterone is vitally important to a healthy sex life. Researchers at the New England Institute found that men with a waistline above 40” had significantly low levels of this sexy hormone. What does that tell you? Start with 10 to 20 minutes and you’ll transform your sex life.

3. Sexier Bones for More Fun

Continual studies show that exercise makes your bones stronger. My very close friend, who is a well-known personal trainer, stresses the importance of combining exercises that involve jumping and weight training to help your bones become stronger and protect against osteoporosis.
With osteoporosis, sex takes on a whole new meaning. If you worry about pleasing your partner while being healthy, you can imagine what that fear becomes when you develop a health condition. Be proactive, not reactive. Too many people do not seek advice for their sex life until they are desperate. Being shy, embarrassed, or fearful of what others will think about you plays a huge role in the development of your own libido. The least you can do is to take care of your health today, so you can have a passionate life tomorrow.

4. Improved Performance in the Gym

There is a lot of buzz about sex and decreased testosterone levels in the body. This “belief” makes many sport coaches ban sex for several days or weeks leading to a game. It’s like we are back in the USSR.
On the contrary, sex before a workout may actually improve performance. AFSN Sports Science’s study showed that the strength of legs and punching power improved after sex. Unstoppable and courageous Ronda Rousey dispels this myth too. She said she actually gets pretty busy in the bedroom before a fight to boost her testosterone. Here’s her full quote:
” For girls, it raises your testosterone, so I try to have as much sex as possible before I fight, actually. Not with like everybody. I don’t put out Craigslist ads or anything. But if I got a steady I’m going to be like, ‘Yo, fight time’s coming up.’ “
The conclusion here is: let others abstain from sex while you go and celebrate your sexuality.

5. Mirror, Mirror on the Wall

Let’s be honest, if you don’t like the way you look, you will not be that eager to get undressed and sexy with your lover. Having a toned body helps keep you strong, lean, confident, and it also keeps your metabolism fired up. Maintaining a lean muscle mass will help you stay healthy and maintain your sexual well-being as you age.
If you are putting off fully indulging in intimacy and the sexual pleasure it brings until you have a perfect body, you are wasting your life. Happiness does not come in sizes – it is a state of mind. It does not take courage and audacity to hide your authenticity and desires. Start focusing on what you have and find courage to love it. Then find creative ways to get to where you want while having fun with what you have.

6. Fired Up Creativity

So many of my clients have told me that sex gets their brain going, releases tension, and opens new points of view on a problem. When you feel stuck in finding a solution to some challenge, indulge in sexual play and invariably the answer will follow. Research also suggests that being physically active can help preserve mental function. Studies shows that just a half hour walk per day could slow cognitive decline by five to seven years. This is a great reason to stop wasting time on the couch and start getting some fresh air or start getting busy between the sheets.
What are your 3 take-away messages from this post? Do you know your homework for tonight?

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