One more break-up and one more relationship down the drain. Once again you feel the futility of all the time and energy you invested in the relationship and you wonder to yourself, "why?". Why do you always end up with guys like this, where nothing seems to click. And the worst part is you're not upset because you liked the guy, but because you didn't like him all that much. You're just sorry for yourself that nothing's working out for you and you wonder why you date guys like these. Well, you're not alone. A lot of women date guys they don't even like that much. So why do they date them then? Check out these reasons we've listed. We are sure you can totally relate to at least a few of them.
1.You're bored and you have nothing better to do right now.

2.You've just come out of a relationship and he was the easiest rebound available.

3.Eh..He's not the worst.

4.He's fine for now. You don't have any long term plans with him anyway.

5.You may not have chemistry, but he's really hottt!

6.His best bud is dating your BFF, so your social life is kinda sorted for now as a result.

7.You're too lazy to find someone else and you don't want to be alone.

8.He's nice to you, unlike the previous jackass.

9. You think it'll make a funny story to tell your friends or even your grandchildren some day.

10.Your alone in a new city with no friends yet. Dating means atleast your weekends plans are always made.

11. You're worried your standards are too high, so you figure maybe you should just settle.

12.Your friends are all getting married and it feels comforting to atleast date somebody in the meantime.

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1.You're bored and you have nothing better to do right now.
2.You've just come out of a relationship and he was the easiest rebound available.
3.Eh..He's not the worst.
4.He's fine for now. You don't have any long term plans with him anyway.
5.You may not have chemistry, but he's really hottt!
6.His best bud is dating your BFF, so your social life is kinda sorted for now as a result.
7.You're too lazy to find someone else and you don't want to be alone.
8.He's nice to you, unlike the previous jackass.
9. You think it'll make a funny story to tell your friends or even your grandchildren some day.
10.Your alone in a new city with no friends yet. Dating means atleast your weekends plans are always made.
11. You're worried your standards are too high, so you figure maybe you should just settle.
12.Your friends are all getting married and it feels comforting to atleast date somebody in the meantime.
GIFs via Tumblr
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