March 04, 2012

Narasinha Dutt College - Zoology Educational Tour 2012

Our Professors :-

  1. Dr. Sibani Manna, M.Sc., Ph.D.,
  2. Dr. Swapan Kumar Das, M.Sc., Ph.D., Head of the Dept.
  3. Subrata Kumar Basu, M.Sc.
  4. Dr. Shukla Mukherjee, M.Sc. Ph.D.
  5. Dr. Mohua Guha, M.Sc.
  6. Shampa Sarkar, M.Sc.
  7. Saswati Biswas, M.Sc. (Part-time)

Tour At Ramhrishna Mission Narendrapur :-
                The Zoological Educational Tour to Ramkrishna Mission, Narendrapur, was organised by our Zoology Dept. with the 3rd year Bio Science ( Zoology General) student in 15th Feb' 2012, as per syllabus of Zoology, new regulation (1+1+1) of Calcutta University. The Team was guided by our respected and beloved prof. Dr. Subrata Kumar Basu, Prof. Dr. Sibani Manna, Prof. Saswati Biswas, Prof. Dr. Mohua Guha, Prof. Dr. Shukla Mukherjee.
                   In the Morning of 15th February we reached at the Mandir Gate of the Mission, Narendrapur, as per the direction of our respected prof. After that we entered in the Mission premises in guidence of the prof. Ultimately we started our servey about the Dairy farm, Mushroom Project, Poltry bird Project, Apiculture Project, Bio-Gas Plant, and we noted the various details of these project in our notebook, and we took their snapshot. We getting many various valuable details from Dr. Satinath Das & Dr. Hauq.

Few Information About Narendrapur Ramkrishna Mission:-

Picture of the Mission:-

                                 Dr. Satinath Das And our respeqted Prof. in conferrence room

Our beloved Professors


A blind labour working in Mushroom Project

Hatchery Farm

Duck with their Egg

Dr. Satinath Das providing information regarding their farms

Our professors in between field work

Green Jack

A man collecting milk

Cow with calf in Narendrapur Mission

A type of Australian Cow in the Farm

A type of Indian Cow in the Farm

Pure Cow Milk in the Narendrapur Farm

Milk Sucking machine in the mission Dairy Farm

Our Team with Professor in Narendrapur Mission

Economical valuation of earthworm compost

Earthworm compost

Bio -Gas Oven, a substitute of LPG

Dr. Hauq

Apiculture Project

Students Collecting their field data

A team of boys

Premises of the Mission

A team of students
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