This post Dedicated to Someone Special.

Now I'm not a cheesy girl. I yell "booooo" and throw popcorn at the screen when cringey things happen in a movie like any other girl.. But is it bad that I can't help but feel like if it happened to me, it would be ok? Like when I'm watching a movie and the guy does something extremely romantic, I secretly wish it was me. It's like I hate that I would love it. But don't you dare tell anybody. Lol...

Now I'm not a cheesy girl. I yell "booooo" and throw popcorn at the screen when cringey things happen in a movie like any other girl.. But is it bad that I can't help but feel like if it happened to me, it would be ok? Like when I'm watching a movie and the guy does something extremely romantic, I secretly wish it was me. It's like I hate that I would love it. But don't you dare tell anybody. Lol...
1. Kissing In The Rain

Hello, The Notebook? Most romantic movie of all time. Sure, the rain would probably be uncomfortable and you'd end up with a cold but hey, at least you got to kiss in the rain.
Hello, The Notebook? Most romantic movie of all time. Sure, the rain would probably be uncomfortable and you'd end up with a cold but hey, at least you got to kiss in the rain.
2. When The Boy Throws Pebbles At Your Window

I know. This is so typical.... So why do we want it to happen to us? I think that if a boy takes time out of his night to go to your house and toss tiny pebbles at your window, then he's a keeper. Am I wrong? It's just that it's SO much more romantic than getting a Snapchat late at night saying "hey what you doing." THROW TINY PEBBLES AT MY WINDOW BOY.
I know. This is so typical.... So why do we want it to happen to us? I think that if a boy takes time out of his night to go to your house and toss tiny pebbles at your window, then he's a keeper. Am I wrong? It's just that it's SO much more romantic than getting a Snapchat late at night saying "hey what you doing." THROW TINY PEBBLES AT MY WINDOW BOY.
3. When The Boy Holds Speakers Outside Your Window

First encountered in the movie Say Anything, and brought back by Penn Badgley (AKA Dan Humphrey in Gossip Girl) in Easy A. This cliché is totally cringey, but we wouldn't mind if our crush was outside our window holding up speakers. Of course they would have to be blaring Justin Bieber Love Yourself.
First encountered in the movie Say Anything, and brought back by Penn Badgley (AKA Dan Humphrey in Gossip Girl) in Easy A. This cliché is totally cringey, but we wouldn't mind if our crush was outside our window holding up speakers. Of course they would have to be blaring Justin Bieber Love Yourself.
4. When The Boy Climbs Up A Tree Onto Your Balcony

Troy and Gabriella in High School Musical, who could forgot? Ok, granted most of us don't have balconies, and most boys wouldn't risk a broken leg for a night-time kiss, it's still a nice thought. (We would build our own balcony if it meant Zac Efron would climb up).
Troy and Gabriella in High School Musical, who could forgot? Ok, granted most of us don't have balconies, and most boys wouldn't risk a broken leg for a night-time kiss, it's still a nice thought. (We would build our own balcony if it meant Zac Efron would climb up).
5. Meeting At The Top Of The Empire State Building

Countless movies and TV shows have used this cliché and for good reason. Who wouldn't want to meet the love of their lives, whilst taking in the romantic New York skyline? Sleepless in Seattle, The Mindy Project, and who could forget that episode of Gossip Girl when Chuck and Blair reunite? It's the dream.
Countless movies and TV shows have used this cliché and for good reason. Who wouldn't want to meet the love of their lives, whilst taking in the romantic New York skyline? Sleepless in Seattle, The Mindy Project, and who could forget that episode of Gossip Girl when Chuck and Blair reunite? It's the dream.
6. When The Boy Runs Off The Field Of A Big Game For You

A Cinderella Story comes to mind straight away. Chad Michael Murray runs off the football field when he sees Hilary Duff leave. They kiss in the rain and it's just the best thing ever. We pretend not to be jealous that she gets TWO romantic movie clichés. Also in '17 Again' when Zac Efron runs off of the basketball court to pick up his girlfriend and twirl her around. Again we pretend not to be jealous.
A Cinderella Story comes to mind straight away. Chad Michael Murray runs off the football field when he sees Hilary Duff leave. They kiss in the rain and it's just the best thing ever. We pretend not to be jealous that she gets TWO romantic movie clichés. Also in '17 Again' when Zac Efron runs off of the basketball court to pick up his girlfriend and twirl her around. Again we pretend not to be jealous.
7. A Public Declaration Of Love

This one is tricky. Although I would probably cringe and bury my head in my hands... I still want it. Who doesn't want the boy they like to publicly announce their love? No one! In Love Actually Colin Firth actually learns a different language JUST to pronounce his love for her. In 10 Things I Hate About You Heath Ledger fulfilled every teen’s secret wish in high school; that your crush admits that he loves you in front of the whole school.
This one is tricky. Although I would probably cringe and bury my head in my hands... I still want it. Who doesn't want the boy they like to publicly announce their love? No one! In Love Actually Colin Firth actually learns a different language JUST to pronounce his love for her. In 10 Things I Hate About You Heath Ledger fulfilled every teen’s secret wish in high school; that your crush admits that he loves you in front of the whole school.
8. A Reformed Bad Boy

There's just something about a bad boy isn't there? These movies made you think you could change a bad boy, and you loved it. Again, 10 Things I Hate About you fits in quite well here. (You can't argue with a classic).
There's just something about a bad boy isn't there? These movies made you think you could change a bad boy, and you loved it. Again, 10 Things I Hate About you fits in quite well here. (You can't argue with a classic).
9. Time Travel

Ok I'm aware that these are getting a little out of hand, but hear me out! Although very unlikely, we wouldn't mind a bit of time travel in our love lives. Who didn't wish they were Jennifer Garner when she was 13 Going On 30? She left behind her awkward teenage years and became a cool 30-something year old in New York City. And again, we mention 17 Again. (Can you really mention Zac Efron too many times? We think not).
Source - Teentimes
Ok I'm aware that these are getting a little out of hand, but hear me out! Although very unlikely, we wouldn't mind a bit of time travel in our love lives. Who didn't wish they were Jennifer Garner when she was 13 Going On 30? She left behind her awkward teenage years and became a cool 30-something year old in New York City. And again, we mention 17 Again. (Can you really mention Zac Efron too many times? We think not).
Source - Teentimes
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