February 01, 2016


I never thought I'd say it, but science has finally come to the rescue of teens everywhere, and we're so grateful. Science has caught up with what we already knew, phew. Make sure to send this article to all the parents out there; they're bound to understand your addiction to sleep and the heavenly place you call bed after reading this... The breaking news is that teenagers really NEED an extra hour in bed. A newspaper headline might read “Making Teens Start School In The Morning Is ‘Cruel’, Brain Doctor Claims". This Doc actually has a point, so this weekend be sure to pull those covers back over your head and stay in bed for an extra hour - you need it girl...

All teens will know that our natural bedtimes and waking times get later and later, and this suits us, apart from when we have to get up for school; something we think we shouldn't ever have to do. This sleeping pattern continues until we're around 20, and then it reverses. At 55 we wake up at about the time we woke up prior to becoming a teen, ugh, I'm not looking forward to that. This means that for a teen, a 7 am alarm is the equivalent of a 5 am start for a person in their 50s. We wouldn't be cruel enough to wake a 50 year old up at 5am would we?

Unfortunately, even with science on our side, we don't think our schools are going to change the time school starts anytime soon. Darn. A girl can always hope, right?
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Item Reviewed: ALL TEENS REALLY DO NEED AN EXTRA HOUR IN BED AND HERE'S WHY Rating: 5 Reviewed By: Unknown