December 03, 2015


Dirty talk.
You know guys love it.  You know it’s a fabulous way to turn your man on both in and out of the bedroom.
But how do you do it?
I mean how do you talk dirty without the fear of feeling awkward, embarrassed, or worse?  How can you still be a “good girl” while expressing your naughty side without the fear and worry of being called a slut or suddenly having your man break out in laughter because you sound like a cute school girl saying a bad word for the first time, instead of the sexy seductress or erotic goddess you’re trying to be?
Enter, the Language of Desire by Felicity Keith and Michael Fiore, the new erotic training program that teaches women how to talk dirty and fire up their sex lives.
Most men find women who talk dirty to them in bed irresistible. Just one whispered word in his ear can turn a guy rock hard in an instant. The problem is that not every woman knows what to say, while others may feel way too embarrassed to talk dirty. A woman might find herself completely speechless if a guy asks her to say something sexy, ruining the moment.
Talking dirty isn’t easy for anyone. But it’s a scientific fact that the biggest erogenous zone is the mind. If you can turn him on mentally, you can turn him on in bed. Language of Desire can teach you how to make your man feel sexier, more attracted to you, and please you better.
Felicity Keith created Language of Desire after she found out firsthand how a few spoken words could transform a sex life. She isn’t the kind of person you’d expect would write sex advice, like a sex worker, or a sex therapist. She’s just your average mom who has a great sex life in a committed relationship.  Language of Desire is based on everything that she learned about how to make her lover full of desire for her—something every woman deserves from their partners.
If you’ve ever felt a man pull away, lose interest or suddenly stop chasing or seducing you and didn’t know why or what to do…
If you feel like you never get what YOU need in bed from any guy you date, then you must watch this eye-opening video right now.
Here’s the truth from Felicity that has me floored: To get a man to be focused on you and only you (so he can’t even THINK about other women) and so he craves and desires you constantly all you have do is ____________.
Can you fill in the blank? I’d tell you but I’d feel like I was stealing Felicity’s amazing insight… or the crazy results her discovery have created…
Go watch the video now…
P.S. You might be a little upset when you first hear Felicity’s story… I know a lot of women can relate to it… but when you hear what she learned from it… and how it’s going to change your life forever you’ll be grinning ear to ear.
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